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  • Singer Summer Intensive I Dutch
    Singer Summer Intensive I Dutch
    Mon, Jul 01
    Jul 01, 2024, 8:00 PM GMT+2 – Jul 05, 2024, 9:00 PM GMT+2
    De Zomer is de perfecte tijd om te zingen & aan je stemdoelen te werken! Doe mee met onze online LAX VOX Summer Intensive.

Singing Summer 
Intensive 2024

The Summer is the perfect time to prioritize & explore singing. 

In this Intensive we'll spend 5 days in a row working on strenghtening your registers, growing your range, improving vocal agility and much more! Combine targeted Voice exercises with LAX VOX and you'll create faster & better results. 

The Dutch Summer Singing Intensive  takes places in the first week of July 2024. 


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Voice Print

In this workshop we'll cast vision & learn about the power & purpose of your uniquely given voice. 


This workshop is a hands-on and unique in it's kind. 
If you're a singer, songwriter or worshipleader, this is for you!



The Fundamentals of 


In this workshop you'll learn all about the voice, posture, breathing, singing without strain, resonance and vocal health. This workshop combines essential voice knowledge with tons of practical exercises. 
Are you new to voice lessons? Then this workshop is for you!

New dates coming soon
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Grow Your Vision

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Vocal Health

This workshop is for any vocalist that wants to grow in getting to know their voice and how to take care of in a way that you can enjoy singing for a long time. 


In this workshop you'll learn about: 

* Voice Care & Self- Care 
* Preventing Voice Problems & Injuries
* Voice Care when fighting a cold 

You'll practice: 

* Voice Techniques
* DIY Vocal Massage 
* DIY Throat/ Neck/ Shoulder Stretches 
* Warming- up with SOVT straw 

New dates will be posted here


Keys to Vocal Freedom

The bubble tube is indispensable for singers, speakers & teachers. It's a fairly simple method, but it is essential that you'll apply it the most healthy & effective way. You'll find more info on the method here.

This workshop consists out of two levels, that will be given on separate moments. 

LEVEL 1: for Speakers/ Teachers & Singers
In this level we'll teach you how to use the bubbling technique to relax & restore your voice. 

LEVEL 2: for Singers
In this level we'll dive into voice technique and how to use bubbling to train your voice and make it better then ever!

No Current Dates
More, coming soon!

We are working on several other workshops that we would love to offer in 2023. Would you like to have us do a workshop in your vocal group, choir, worship band.. etc? 


Ask for the possibilities, by contacting us through the contact form.

If you’d like to stay informed on when workshops will be available, you can sign- up for our newsletter. 

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Happy Voices

Simon & Liz O'Rourke


 Rose was friendly but professional and used her skills and knowledge to teach us about the importance of vocal warm ups and warm downs, information about the physiology of our voice boxes and vocal chords and also taught us how to 'bubble' effectively to be able to improve our vocal ability and range.

We thoroughly enjoyed the session and wouldn't hesitate to recommend Rose to anyone wanting to improve their vocal ability and technique. She is an excellent teacher with a wide knowledge base and the practical exercises she taught us were really really useful. We will be bubbling before singing in future!


E. Grasmeijer


What a blessing it has been to learn how to use Bubbling. I’d never thought you could learn how to use your voice exponentially better and healhier, in such a short time. Rosanne makes the difference by encouraging and confirming you with so much passion and without judgement. I definitely recommend this!


C. Hetzel
Artist, Singer- Songwriter


 Last week I got my first Vocal massage!

It felt strange but the effects of it were significant. It was worth it!

I loved how I felt afterwards.

My throat muscles weren’t so tight anymore, but way more relaxed. 

My larynx felt free. And my tongue was back in the right state of rest. 

I’m looking forward to next time. I think every singer should go and get a few larynx massages before rehearsals and shows

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