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Afternoon Light
Join Our Mini E-course
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It's not the tool on itself that leads to  success, it's the knowing how to use it 

Practice in- depth healthy & effective SOVT straw technique
Learn a complete warming- up & cooling down routine with SOVT
Discover the place of SOVT in voice training
Learn the science & benefits of SOVT 

E- COURSE SOVT straw in Voice Training

  • 21Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


After this e-course you have learned how to use your SOVT straw for a Vocal Warming up, a Vocal Cooling Down and in Vocal Training. We'll really dive into the Basic Technique of using the straw, which makes this e-course unique and different then any other instruction video's on the SOVT straw. We'll talk about posture, airflow and position of the resonance cavities while using the SOVT straw. Knowing how to use the SOVT the way it is meant to be, will not only give you insight in how to get the best results, it will also help you protect the health of your vocal folds. Get started now.

You can also join this program via the mobile app.





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